Sunday, October 09, 2005

number one!

i've been so busy adding photos to my past entries that i haven't had time to go out and see the world lately. in the meantime, did you know that i am the number one result on google for bodhi blog....and the only bodhi who happens to be about four inches tall? i should celebrate.......or maybe just announce this achievement to the world.

(speaking of gnomes, here's another gnome page i found that you might enjoy....and here's another one. )

in other news, i'm supposed to meet three more famous singers in the next couple of weeks. this is very exciting, and i should have the first pictures up by the weekend.


LBseahag said...

glad to see the meeting with Ryan C. is not going to Bohdi's head...perhaps he secretly wished it was Seacrest-out-of the closet..

bodhi the gnomad said...

ryan seacrest? bah- isn't his fifteen minutes of fame up yet?